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Friday, October 20, 2006


one third of the world agrees that torture should be allowed in the case of pursuing terrorism.
one in 4 in the uk agree.

my head says no to torture of captured terrorists
my heart says you have to get as much information from each one as is possible. if that involves a tad of torture then do it

of the reasons why we shouldn’t use torture the least persuasive was the torture creates terrorists, as we must keep reminding ourselves that all of this is a result of a terrorist attack on america.
the other lame excuse is that we shouldn’t become like “them” but more and more this is an asymmetrical conflict and we may need to become more like them to find a resolution.

the one thing that makes me think that torture is not all that good for intelligence work is because people will say whatever they think is wanted in order to stop the pain.
but rather than throw the option away i currently believe that if the need arises then the relevant powers can use sanctioned torture, but all the relevant parties have to sign off on it, so we have an audit chain of who agreed to issue the warrant for torture.

it strikes me that on some things i am not as liberal as i should be.

1 comment:

ems said...

I don't agree with you. Which other basic human rights are you prepared to do away with?