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Sunday, October 09, 2005


been one of those weekends (i have them a lot)where there is a lot to be done but nothing actually gets done. so here i am sitting in my favourite coffee shop (the wonderful coffee@ of brick lane) it is rather warm in here and rather busy.
i have nothing really important (or interesting) to say. so i am just tippy tapping on here because... well i can.

so england make it to the world cup finals and still the press hound eriksson. at one point there were claims that this was about him being a foreigner. now it just seems that people are bored with him and want him out and someone else in.

so glenda jackson wants to stand against tony blair because she wants to know when he is going to go. she claims lots of people in her constinuency were against him. but given that she is in the center of the chattering classes no real shock there. it would be quite funny if she did do it and all the mps ended up voting for blair again. the truth is that blair is a major asset to the party he is the one who got them elected time and time (and time) again. his critics have to understand that. Having said that given he has made the point he is going to go - he really does have to say when.

baby asbos - great idea. this is what we want. i think kids should be under curfew outside of school hours. only let out if they have a parental escort.

frida khalo exhibition closed today. it was an excellent show. has made me a fan.

my camera is costing me the earth. had to buy a light meter today - it pained me to think how much it has cost me. and there are still some more things that i need to buy.

missed the tattoo convention that was taking place in brick lane. did get to see some of the tatted people. some of the blokes looked very silly as they walked the streets posing in order to show off their tats (some of which were horrible). ah well there is always next year. and i need a new tattoo.

right i need more coffee.


ems said...

there have been curfews for after school hours. do not work and make behaviour worse in schools. ban the asbo.

pat said...

more power to the asbo.
i am thinking i will see if i can get my neighbour asbo'ed.
several reasons:
1] he plays his music incredibly loudly and persists in it.
2] he throws rubbish in the street.
3] he plays acoustic guitar and sings - badly.
any two of those is worth an asbo - all three....