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Tuesday, November 22, 2005


tony blair was being grilled by a number of mps today.
he is one of the few prime ministers to allow them to question him like this.

i heard him protect lord john "blue sky thinking deep wallets" birt from having to come before select committees, i suspect not because they would discover that birt adds nothing to anything but that they would be appalled he was being paid to be so useless. see new labour does indeed enjoy the working practices of the business world.

then he went on about nuclear power stations being one of the best ways to secure the uk's power needs, does that mean they will remain a nationalised concern? or does it mean that the uk tax payer will underwrite it all but within months the plants will be sold off to the highest bidder?

and on iran and their nuclear ambitions blair says of iran that they are "meddling in iraq". now i wonder who else that could be said of. if ever there was a case of the pot calling the kettle black this is it.
there is an eerie sense of deja vu as blair talks about iran - some of these reasons sound like the reasons used for invasion of iraq...
could it be?
could it be?

nah they couldn't.... could they.


MissMinxtress said...

Oh yes they could!

And probably will.

They're just trying to work out a way to sell it to us.

How do they keep getting away with it?

pat said...

sadly i think you are right and that they are working on it as we speak.
scary thought.