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Thursday, May 24, 2012


i have been neglecting my blog recently because i have been busy doing a course - learning to become a cctv operator. you might think anyone can rock up in front of a monitor and start using the cctv system. well you would be wrong. you have to be licenced and if you are not then you can be in deep shit, deep shit indeed. it might be that very soon i will be licenced to be a cctv user. then i can take my place in the pantheon that is the growing private security industry (worth over £6bn per year in the uk alone). there is more to tell about this - but that will come in a future blog. for the meantime i want to bring you some of the excitement that is the world of cctv. so grab a pen or joystick in one hand and follow along with the instructions in the following video and perhaps, just perhaps, you too could be licenced to use a cctv system be warned there are some complex moves here - so concentrate.

now have you committed to memory those complex instructions? right? left? up? zoom in? down? zoom out? see not as easy as you might have thought is it. (we'll gloss over the potential breaches of privacy and data protection that are occurring in this video as it is just a test.)

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