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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


tomorrow is cuts day.
a day when the gloom finally sets in.
doom and despair.

or could it be the con/dems have it right?

nah just messing with you there.

some of us are going to be right royally fucked. still as we are all in this together i don't feel so bad that my suffering will help some of the richest paid in the land keep their standard of living.
as we are still in this together i don't mind not being able to find a decent job just so those in the financial sector who helped cause this shitstorm can enjoy great bonues and a prosperous new year.

because i know they are the wealth generators and without them blah blah - see almost started singing from the con/dem hymn sheet.

oh well i am sure in a few years time we will all laugh about it.
doubt it.

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