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Wednesday, October 20, 2004


have booked time off work so i can recover from the usa elections - or more fully that was the plan but i have to come in for part of the day!
i am not sure that the early morning of november 3rd will be spent with me whoooping like a maniac because Kerry has done the job. Or sobbing like a baby because bush has gotten in. i still remember Maggie winning her second term and being dumpster by the sheer madness of the vote.

just noticed that there have been 666 visitors to the bloc (thank you all) but is it an omen and that for my many sins i am going to end up in a circle of dainties hell (please don't let me go where all the estate agents and right wing comics end up).

boris - i am a little upset that boris has been made to go and apologies for an editorial in the spectator. having said that i was happy to see that bigley's brother (in an earl spencer moment) has used his time in the spotlight to call boris a pompous twit. nice to see liverpool can still produce class political satirists.

olympic parade. i missed it, not heard anything about it. hope it was a bit of a damp squib really as i do not want the olympics in london. i don't want them near here, not even close.
my travel costs are going to go up and one of the reasons is that ken has giving the london bid free advertising over london transport. it starts already i have to pay for a sports event i don't want.

because of my job i get sent odd things in the post. today i got a vanilla condom. just wish i had a practical use for it.

still not repaired the computers at home.

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