ah how things change.
there i was just the other day writing about how nice the carnaby street lavs were, and so what happens? i get caught short, need to use them the other day and my how ugly they have become. obviously there must have been a spate of over therinal checking out of cock sizes, or some serious cottaging going on in the place as each of the urinals is now divided by a steel barrier. while it means i point percy at the porcelain without fear of being spied on, it has turned these nice bogs into an ugly ugly place to go.
(mind you it's not like i want have social meetings there i am just going to have a piss after all!)
and talking of toilets - check out this story from the independent. eliot spitzer, new york's attorney general, has decided to go to bat for the towns toilet attendants
"the unpaid attendants who hand out towels, aftershave and other little extras in the lavatories of posh city restaurants. Not only do these unfortunates not receive a wage for their work, they even have to pay a slice of the tips they live off to the agency that recruits them.
Spitzer has just filed a $4m lawsuit against Royal Flush, the main placement agency for restaurant lavatory attendants, for breaking state labour law by not paying the official minimum wage. It was "unconscionable", Spitzer thundered, that people work without wages and must "pay a fee to stand in a bathroom and wait for tips." (the independent)
you have to hope he wins - and you have to wonder about people who will make people pay to be allowed to work. hey you gotta love capitalism.
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