i try not to be cynical but find that the world turns round and slaps me in the face and shouts "stop being so naive"!
and what has brought about this latest bout of cynicism.
well there is the tendency of new labour to go where the money is, they seem to love rich people. they are attracted to them like moths to the flame. i am sure in some cases there is a great personality behind the wallet and that they are indulging in conversations of interest and worth but i can't help feeling there is a jerry mcquire moment where tony blair, peter mandelson, david blunkett et al are shouting "show me the money, show me the money!"
nick cohen's piece in the observer on sunday made depressing reading especially his conclusion that in order to stay in power politicians will have to find themselves a nice old sugar daddy to pay for their campaigns.
and of course we all know that he who pays the piper calls the tune - less power to us and more mockery of the idea of democracy coming up.
it's a move that makes us just that much more like america and the american political system. i don't want my elected officials spending a big chunk of their time trying to sort out where their next political donation is coming from - i want them running the country, i want them making sure that there are hospital beds, a working transport system, a good education system, housing, social security, decent trade union laws that protect the rights of the workers.......
oh hold on we will leave all that to the market because that's what the rich people new labour are cuddled up to want to have happen.
in the new york (so good that they named it twice) in madison square gardens - home of the knicks and where the wwe have just had wrestlemania (where it all began again) the republican party is having its conference.
bush and cheney have been nominated to run for 4 more years.
they are making a big play about 9/11 - i am just surprised they didn't go for having the event on the actual anniversary, or would that have been a tad too tacky ? so the republicans are going on about their strong president and his aggressive response. well afghanistan is still not a thriving democracy - left pretty much to the local warlords to rule over most of it. while the situation in iraq is pretty dire and with little hope of it getting better.
ah but it's ok as long as you can ban gay weddings - you know the world will be a much safer place.
one of the internet news sites described arnie as begin a moderate speaker at the convention - i am pretty scared to see what they call a radical speaker.
though it is nice to know that there are protests going on in new york to let people know that the average american is not too keen on bush, his administration, the direction he is going and like the rest of us is worried about the damage that bush may eventually cause.
yup i am not cynical - its just the world around me.
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