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Thursday, August 19, 2004


i like london transport .... well i have to as i use it a lot.
thanks to a situation of financial embarrassment (all of my own making) i am forced to use the buses instead of the tube. now the main bus for me is the 25 and its an odd bus, not just because of its number, but because of its inability to keep to a schedule, its desire to travel in packs (though i am not sure what the predator of the 25 is) and the fact that they seem to keep changing it.
recently it has gone from double decker - which made it easy to spot at night (it was the only double decker on the route).
then it went to having on of the few healthy fuel cell buses. looked great - lots of steam coming out of it, very quiet and a smooth ride.
now they are bendy buses - like to single deckers stuck together in the middle with a concertinaed middle to allow it to turn corners. but the driver no longer takes your money and you have to get your tickets before boarding, and just how often are the ticket machines working......
i reckon a lot of people just hop on and don't pay, i wonder if the route is losing money.
the reason the driver no longer collects the money is so that the bus can travel faster along its route as there is less delay for the driver trying to get change etc. it's a nice theory in practice the route seems even slower as the drivers just seem to hang around the stops.

blimey next i will be talking about how the price of mars bars have gone up since i was a kid.

who remembers aztec bars. scrummy.

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