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Thursday, August 19, 2004


a few days back i went to see ronni jame dio - a little man with a mighty mighty voice - live in concert. i had given up going to gigs several years back but there was something special, something awesome about going to see the man whose voice has been there through much of my musical listening career.
he was there when i air guitared to rainbow.
he moved on to black sabbath and then he formed his owned band.
the one constant through it all was his great voice (and his fascination with rainbows).

and to see him live, ah it was a treat.
by the third song he had already done two classics that i had never expected to hear.
it was a set of classics.
it was a set that demanded air guitar histronics, fierce headbanging and demonic hand gestures.
it was a thing of beauty, a thing of joy and i am still reliving it now.

two random thoughts about gigs - its nice to see the lighter has been replaced by the picture phone its not quite as romantic and moving but seems more in keeping with the times.
and i really do think heavy metal bands should be looking to get some sponsorship from people such as timotei and head and shoulders - there is a lot of hair at a heavy metal gig and a big percentage of it gets well and truly sweaty.

i salute you ronnie james dio it was a gig worthy of the immortals.

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