enough of this classic rock shit you keep peddling pat - what are you listening to today. what is modern that is shaking your tree? are you down with kids? are you phat and illin' pat? that is what we want to know.
nay! that is what we demand to know.
simple answer i have no idea what is current and trendy.
while at heart i am always going to be a prog metal fan, a lover of harf and heavy metal my tastes have moved towards the ambient and elctronica fields of people making quiet and loud noises of long drones and pitched squawks. of people playing music on their laptops or twiddling a few knobs on an oscilator. these are people who release their music to thr world on self produced cd-rs. they don't expect fame and don't court.
here are wolf eyes doing a modern version of napalm death
banging on a can and still with enough time to have a drag on his fag.
chinstrokey music up next. this is scanner. i met him once, he blanked me. not to worry though i spent my time looking at his attractive wife. i got into an argument over laptoppers. i am not sure i consider them musicians - for all i kow they are just playing a cd in their laptops. i do think of them as composers - some of whom make fanastic sonicscapes for the world to enjoy. as i explained this theory to several of hem you could see i wasn't going to be on their christmas cad list. that is one thing i have noticed about laptoppers - they do take themselves very seriously.
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