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Thursday, August 11, 2011


music is a funny old thing you never know when you are going to discover something wonderful.
a friend's brother interviewed circulus, told friend that they were a bit odd and that he had to go see them. just so happened they were playing a local squat warehouse gig the next week. we made our way there, no idea what to expect. the ticket was cheap, so no big risk and better than a night in with the tv.
the warehouse was packed with a very mixed crowd: over there you had the skateboarders showing their moves off, on the other side of the space you had the crustys, there was the intelligensia all dressed in blazers and tweeds with a bit of chin stroking thrown in for good measure. let's not forget the emo and goth kiddies.
various things were going on: homemade movies were being shown, poetry being read, breakdancing taking place, a dj playing odds and sods. in the middle of all of this a band would come on and play.
that is exactly what cirulus did.
they came out and played.
they played and they conquered.
since that night i have been a fan of their breezey madcap medieval prog psychedelic folk fusion. with michael tyack (guitars and vocals) and will summer (pipes) as the two stalwarts of the band - giving it a musical and personal identity; the other memebers come and play in the world of michael and will.

open you mind and let them take you to a place of pixies and sunshine.

i am not overly keen on this line up of circulus, i am not a big fan of the female vocalist they currently have.

musically this is not a great recording but i choose it for serveral reasons: i was there; i know the guy who filmed it; i like the female vocalist, lo polidoro, and it is jolly good fun.

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