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Monday, August 15, 2011


the broken society is back at the top of david cameron’s agenda. it is nice to know that for a period of time it wasn’t – that is what power does to you: too much time hanging out with paragons of virtue such as rebekah brooks to worry about a moral meltdown in the rest of the society.
but it is back on the agenda. causes and reasons are being thrown about. the health and safety act, the human rights act, poor parenting, computer games, a lack of this too much of that, the bbc, poor schooling.. the list is long.
yet one potential cause is missing. i give you the ‘bullingdon club’. david cameron, george osborne and boorish johnson were all members. none of them have a clue as to how the rest of us live. more importantly the bullingdon club has a reputation for a drinking culture with boisterous behaviour and damaging property.
cameron, osborne and johnson are role models to today’s youth.
conclusive proof i think you will find.
i rest my case.

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