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Thursday, September 22, 2005


i was going to review the all star batman and robin comic by frank miller and jim lee. on paper it is a project made in comic book heaven. both are stellar name creators. both have a history with batman. frank miller has just become nova hot property thanks to sin city.
to be honest i wasn't looking forward to it. i expected it to be more of the same as they had done in the past, but an uneasy alliance of miller's noir style with lee's hyper real art.
oh if that was the only problem with it.
rather than waste anyone's time talking about it: let me sum it up briefly. shite shite shite.

(better executed in terms of the writing and art was the latest issue of wolverine by mark millar and kaare andrews, but the premise was so whack that you spent most of it going what the fuck were they thinking when they did this. i don't know, i am not sure they know. and i am pretty sure the only reason it got printed (a bit like the all star batman and robin) is that millar is someone the companies do not want to piss off).

bring back stan is all i can say.

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