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Friday, March 30, 2012


he wins. shocked amazement. gorgeous george galloway has pulled a rabbit out of the hat and has won bradford west. i don't think it will be too hard to work out which section of the community was mobilised in order to get him his victory. he describes it as the most sensational by-election result in history, while the respect website for bradford declares "you can no longer take our votes for granted." i am sure a similiar challenge was raised when he won in tower hamlets - but the status quo returned soon enough. in an odd way it is good to have him back - always nice to have an interesting character in the house of commons, not to mention someone who has a beard. i wonder how much time george will spend sitting in parliament? (according to the website 'they work for you - he didn't have a very good record when he was the mp bethnal green nad bow). he knows his constituency and he plays to their concerns, which may not be held in quite the same regard by the rest of the population. i don't think it is a cynical ploy on his part it does appear to be a bad case of tunnel vision. george galloway, i salute your courage, your strength, and your indefatigability. i wonder where he stands on the pasty issue?

1 comment:

Hobbit's Journal said...

What is his fixation with the old Labour party and Blair? The Labour party needed to modernise to be electable, they kept getting beat.