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Sunday, July 03, 2011


i just pulled an 87-hour work week.

i had to deal with whining staff (all legitimate complaints); moaning students and demanding agents. mostly i enjoyed it. i wouldn’t want to do it again for awhile.

i have to admit there was a sense of achievement walking out of the office at 4 or 5am.

though come saturday i was brain dead.

the thought that came to me was: why do we expect junior doctors to work such long hours? as there were times when i was having trouble entering data into spreadsheets. this was followed by: why do lorry drivers complain that they are not allowed to work as long as they want. if i can’t work a computer well at the end of 80 hours work, i am pretty sure that truckers would have trouble controlling their lorries.

i am up for doing another long week.

but not just yet.

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