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Sunday, February 01, 2009


it would be safe to say that my view of people in general is not a sunny one; it is made worse by the few genuinely wonderful individuals i know. most days this means i walk around muttering under my breath. it is possible that i am going to end my days walking the streets with a bottle of cheap cider shouting at people as they walk by.

today it snowed. white snow. cold snow. crunchy snow. nice snow. the snow brings out the kid in me. i smile like a loon. as i walked home from the cinema, my hands slowly going blue and turning into ice, i have to resist the urge to fall into the snow and make snow angels or to see how far i can slide. why resist? i can hear you cry. firstly i am now at an age where such activities can cause bits to break or fall off and secondly i am not the most elegant person in the world so such activity leads to observers falling over hurting themselves in gales of laughter.
still the crisp cold night and the coating of snow was enough to make me a happy camper. for a brief moment all was right in my world.
not often i can say that.

1 comment:

ems said...

This made me giggle. Indulge, indulge!