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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


the f-word has been in the news a lot recently.
first off there was ‘fuck - a documentary’ a film that examines the use of fuck in the media. sure it is an interesting an idea, though not one that can sustain the running time of a movie.
still with a bit of luck that only the likes of max clifford can dream of, other notable personalities have jumped into the fuckmobile and driven it to the headlines.

step forward that blonde haired titan of london boris johnson (bo-jo to his friends, bozo to the rest) and his tirade of fucks to keith vaz. there is some dispute at how many times that boris uttered fuck to mr. vaz, but i feel sure he felt a sense of satisfaction each time the fuck left his lips.
why do i say that?
i am sure keith vaz is a nice man and very diligent at his job, yet it strikes me that mr. vaz is someone who is used to being sworn at. every time i see him on the tv or hear him on the radio i can’t help but shout, “fuck off”. so i have every sympathy with boris.
that said it is quite possible that the fucks uttered by boris were caused more by the fact that mr. vaz was in the right.

not to be outdone peter mandelson also did his bit to keep fuck top of the pops. it all came about when howard schultz (head of starbucks) had the temerity to say that the uk was in an economic spiral. one wonders if it is the same spiral that starbucks is currently in; a thousand stores closed and staff laid off.
according to the telegraph mandelson said, "why should i have that guy running down the country? who the fuck is he?" (for the sake of the sensitive i have restored the fuck to the telegraph’s edited version).
hooray for mandelson. is what i say.
but peter doesn’t leave it there, oh no. he also said ‘…i have noticed that starbucks is in a great deal of trouble. but that may be because of their overexposure given the state of the market.’
double espressos all round i think.

peter mandelson’s outburst resulted in a climb down and apology from starbucks. thus proving that judicious use of fuck can get results.

i am sure that both boris and peter’s outbursts will be on the director’s cut version of ‘fuck - a documentary’ the dvd.

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