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Friday, December 09, 2005


just as the uk has "outlawed" torture as a means of eliciting information. so say three cheers and raise a glass for the british judiciary. (though i have to think that if you were going to be happy tp torture someone you probably not going to give much of a toss to a law that says no evidence from torturing can be used)

meanwhile the americans have to admit that they have prevented the international red cross from seeing some of the detainees that are in the "care" of the usa. now we all know that under bush america has taken on an almost messianic parental attitude "do as i say and not as i do!" but as more and more of their "mistreatment" of prisoners comes out the distrust must grow and grow.

they may as well admit that they are utilising torture and be done with it.
oddly i suspect most people would say "well done for keeping us safe".

but the secrecy aspect of it just means that they are ashamed of what they are doing because they know it is "wrong" even if they believe it is the "right" thing to do.
given bush's warped christianity expect the witch burnings to start soon.

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