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Monday, September 13, 2004


in a coffee house - on my second latte and they were both nice and strong.

tony blair announces today that he is back and his focus is on the domestic agenda. how nice of him. now if only there were not so much spinning between him and brown and they worked togethter then the country would be better off.
sod their place in history lets see them do something good in the present.

what is it with americans and their guns - tonight the ban on assault weapons runs ou, why on earth do you need an assault weapon in the home.
i went to an exhibition of photos a year or so ago that centred around guns and there was a picture of bullets (very nice it was too all symetry and shape) but the odd thing was that these bullets were on sale in america but banned in the world of soldiers.

i hate people who litter.

right being kicked out now
more later

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