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Sunday, September 19, 2004


from the bbc website

"Iraq has become the "crucible of global terrorism", but insurgents will be defeated, Tony Blair has pledged. "

now don't get me wrong it's not that i am cynical.
but wasn't that one (of the many) reasons we went to war with iraq was that it was a hot bed of terrorist activity and that saddam was just spending his time causing mischief all over the world with his support of terrorism.

so lets do the checklist.
weapons of mass destruction - nope not there, probably never were, oh except as a long term plan.
link to osama bin laden - nope none found.
was the war legally - ooops nope, united nations are saying it was illegal.

oh at least the regime changed - except that if the daily telegraph is to be believed several members of tony blair's cabinet said that the chances of a smooth transition to a new government there was slight. some suggested it was because iraq did not have a history of democracy, others suggested that there would be military coup after military coup.

more and more it is looking like there were only a handful of people on the planet who thought it was a good idea. bush, rumsfeld, rice, cheney, perle (but no doubt he was going to make money on it....) and blair.
why oh why tony.
it's not like the rest of the coalition of the willing haven't gone about it because they were going to get something from it. the uk looks like we got and are getting squat.

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