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Friday, August 03, 2007


plans are such simple things. today i am going to do x. there you go a plan. see simple. true they can be made complicated: today i am going to do x, after i have done y and while doing z, but only if w happens. see that is a complex plan.
as hannibal was fond of saying “ i love it when a plan comes together”, except so rarely does a plan ever work for me (it might be different if i had face, ba and murdock on my team…) the problem is i either go for the very basic plan, so that it is impossible not to succeed, such as today i will breathe. or i make it so convoluted that i am already in knots before i start, these normally take the form of having too many things in them to do, at least 3 elements which are contingent on the alignment of the planets and one crazy moment where i expect the 25 bus to arrive on time.

today it was simple. go to work early, go out for lunch with some people, leave work early, go to the tate britain. almost elegant in it’s simplicity.
how much of it did i achieve?
none of it. got into work so late it was almost time to leave for lunch. so i had to pass on the lunch engagement. late in, means delays in getting out. so left work later than planned. no trip to the tate.


the worst of it is that i still have made plans for tomorrow, even though i know there is little chance of them coming true. i can’t help it. i need to make those plans. i do it in spite of myself.
hell if i was a little more organised i would be making lists of the things i need to do.

i would bore you with the details of my plan, but why bother it is not like i am going to do them.

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