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Thursday, July 05, 2007


and lo it came to pass that pat saw die hard 4.0.
and the pat beheld die hard 4.0 and thought it good.

hell it was so good i had to see it twice. once the 6pm screening was done i scooted out got some chips. stood in the street eating them, and thought should i go see it again? for a few moments i debated the wisdom of seeing it a second time. once the chips were finished i stopped kidding myself and joined the queue to see it again.

the anticipation of die hard 4.0 has meant i have invested a lot of expectations in the film, there are times when films can’t carry that sort of weight. die hard 4.0 carries it with ease.
i wasn’t expecting it to be as good as the original die hard, after all what action film can ever match that classic? but i was hoping it would be better than die hard 3, it was (and to steal from another classic bruce movie) and then some.

so what do you get in die hard 4.0?
guns, helicopters, explosions, french baddies, quips, car chases, sexy kung fu chick, jets, car crashes, free-running, more explosions, more quips, more guns, computers, smirks.
most importantly you get a story and some good interaction between the cast.
you don’t get the smoking (bruce was the coolest smoker of ciggies in die hard and die hard 2) and the swearing is at a minimum.

this time john mcclane has to save more than building, more than an airport, more than new york. this time he is saving all of america from cyber terrorists, and let me tell you his solutions to computer crashes are much better than the ones the guy who repairs my computer ever comes up with.

i am not going to tell you anything about the film itself.
just go see. i know i will see it again.

“that’s enough of that kung fu shit…”
truly words to live by.

"yippi-kay-ay, motherfucker!”

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