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Friday, February 04, 2005


years ago when i was a student and i had the pleasure to study at the polytechnic of north london i was introduced to a political radicalism that i had been totally unaware of.
it was a large wake up call for me, and in many respects helped shape many of the views i hold today (most of which i had previous to going there but they were unfocused and not properly thought through - yes i know that they still seem that way but....)
at pnl one of the things i discovered was that the socialist workers party (swp) was very active (it still is and it is still saying pretty much the same things it did then - the only difference is the language it uses to couch it's arguments) and often when it went to demonstrate and protest part of it's weapon of choice was the egg. the egg is easy to carry, easy to throw and makes a great splat when it hits the target. the perfect weapon of the class war protester.
imagine my surprise when i went to the london school of economics and the edwina (top tory totty) was there speaking to the students and she wasn't pelted with eggs! i had gone from a hotbed of radicalism to a college that had returned to the establishment.

when i saw this headline "Demonstrators pelt Hoon with eggs" i could only think of two things that the defence minister had been the subject of an attack by the swp and this was because of a] he is a politician b] he is closely linked with the iraq war c] he is thoroughly unlikable and that i was not sure how to make wmd's into an egg joke (never came up with an answer!)

imagine my surprise when i discovered it was not the swp but my friends in the pro-hunt circle.
it is nice to see that they are respecters of democracy. no one has been arrested according to the story, one has to wonder if the police were that concerned to arrest anyone. you just know that if it were an anti-globalisation demo then several would be banged up at the moment.

and look i am back to mentioning hunters again.

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