there is much going on in the world right now.
for instance condi is in the middle east telling the israelis and the palestinians that they must play well together and be nice. while dubya is getting ready to declare war on syria or iran or maybe both (it's not like he has finished the last two he started...) but look folks lets take heart from it all if going to the edge of armageddon with iran brings peace to israel and the middle east it will be worth it for the few minutes they both remain uncrispied in the nuclear blasts.
meanwhile back in blighty the tories and new labour are about to enter the you say potatoe and i say potato phase of politics. one says quota the other says point system - but what they are both saying is "look johnny brown/yellow skinned foreigner we don't want you in our country unless you are going to do some solid good work for us or you are rich." but we don't want to appear to be racist and we don't actually want to get into a discussion about this so what we will do is say only so many of you nasty immigrants can come in.
the clever thing about this is both parties will claim that they have to have this "scare mongering" debate because if they don't then the far right extremist parties will and they might get a couple of seats in the houses of parliament. here i am referring to bnp and such like as opposed to the daily mail or sun readers party.
but lets be honest the most important thing of all is that jeffrey archer can come back.
true new labour have allowed ali campbell to rejoin them in order to show that they are no longer the party of spin.
now jeffery can come back into the tory fold to show that they are indeed the party of law and order. this is because his 5 year expulsion from the party has elapsed.
as dr liam fox said ""I'm sure that in line with people having served their sentence and having done some reparations for what they did wrong, we would look at that sympathetically.
"I don't believe in vindictiveness, I don't think that has any place in politics, unlike the prime minister and Alastair Campbell." (he may not believe in vindictiveness but not above some cheap points scoring ........
and as norman (on yer bike) tebbit said ""After all, he is far from being the worst perjurer in the world," hell he probably isn't even the worst perjurer in the tory party, let alonethe world.
once archer is back in where will it stop aitken ? hamilton (he must be up for a shot after all he has just gotten money of max clifford so he is a winner and that is something that the tories have forgotten how to feel!)
the real question for the tories isn't whether or not to let him in - like it or not they need him. the question is does he need them or want them. if he is a smart cookie he will pass this time around let them lose and then come and help them for the next one.
still it would be fun to see archer and campbell go at it like two warrior spin doctors.
the tory all stars would be portillo, johnson and archer.
throw in virginia bottomley and edwina currie (just for me and part of the top tory totty list) and then the tories have a faint chance.
but the party that has howard, fox and letwin are unelectable and for that we should give thanks.
kneel and pray.
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