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Monday, November 29, 2004


i am not the most social of people. i am (mostly) happy with my own company. but i enjoy going out – sometimes that will be me on my tod going to see a movie or an art exhibition. other times it will be with some friends to enjoy a coffee, curry and a natter.

this weekend i got dragged along to see so progfolkpixie band. and i must say i was looking forward to it. but it seemed to be one of those nights that was destined for oddness.

before going to the gig/ club we ambled to a pub – on the way there a street punk with purplish hair said she liked my hair.
coming from the pub we were asked directions – i pointed the bloke in the right direction which ended up with lots of hand shaking, arm squeezing and kissing of my hand. it stopped short of him proclaiming full bodied love to me... but only just.

the venue was odd – one of the many old warehouses in the brick lane area – it had the smell of many old sessions of puke in it. very nice.

the bands were fun. circulus lived up to all joel promised me and power to the pixies is an epic. they enjoy themselves and while good musicians do not take themselves seriously.

joel left. i stayed for the last band.

at some point during that set 2 lasses played with my hair.
at some other point i got the feeling that people were looking at me
as if they thought they knew who i was.
then i went to rock out to a 60s rock pop disco (far out man it was great!)
then the main man from circulus asked where joel was – we chatted for a while.
then another man from circulus asked if i had been to alice in wonderlands- he mumbled something about zodiac mindwarp and me being on the cover of the lp.
that was pretty much me freaked out – so i left. (also all the pretty ladies had gone)
i left got some bagels walked home.
had some chavs in car go on about my hair.
got stopped by an elegant black american man who reminded me he had seen me before while walking back from a curry with (as he described her) “ a pretty girl” (i remembered it because it was also the night she let fly with a very magnificent fart that quite frankly scared the local kids).
he ended up tapping me for a quid. but i had had a good night so it was ok.
then a somalian asked me where was commercial street - told him he was on it, i asked him what he was looking for, “where the prostitutes stand” was his reply. top marks for brutal honesty... don't think any were working.
then 3 more sporty chavs asked directions and once again a get your hair cut... one day i think i am going to clock them. (actually i have spent several hours thinking of ways to kill them slowly. i know it is petty but they are such scum and are only “hard” because there are three of them. lordy i am sounding like nick parry-jones (who once walked after a car of youths in order to have a fight with them!)
then just as i am about to get into my road i can hear the click of heels (its 4am in the morning by this stage so the click is loud in the quiet night). i can also hear a large sobbing noise from her.
i expect her to avoid me (and wouldn’t blame her) but she follows me down the road.
again a large sob.
i ask are you ok, she says yes, picks up the pace walks in front of me and yet another large sob.
all in all a dull night.

must do it again.

(oh and the lass who complemented my hair on the saturday night got a chance to do it again on sunday as i walked by her again. only this time she was standing on the street corner touting for trade. to her credit she didn’t ask if i wanted business and we had a bit of a laugh.
it’s nice to be appreciated!)


Hobbit's Journal said...

As Zodiac would have said 'Sex fuhrer baby you're a love dictator, blitzkrieg romance you're a living detonator! mover'

Mind you, in retrospect you are more like 'Slam Thunderhide' from the band - the name suits you better!

pat said...

ah chunderbirds - memories are made of that.
how i wish i still had that. a moment of pure genius.

王美安 said...

What is your hairstyle?

Anonymous said...

feel free to come on in and check it out anytime. :)

Anonymous said...

feel free to come on in and check it out anytime. :)

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