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Tuesday, July 03, 2018


it would be fair to say that many people think of me as being a messy and untidy person, while there is a grain of truth in this i prefer to think of it as they are not able to comprehend the complex filing system i use.

back in the day my chaotic approach to order landed me with my own office (i'd like to claim i played the long game to get it, in truth my manager had just had enough. hey it was a win for me. at that time he was at one end of the building and i was at the other end. between us sat several other member of staff, the closer they were to him the more ordered and neat they were, the closer to me they were the more likely they were to be a little less concerned with whether or not their papers and files perfectly aligned with the edges of their desks.)
while i appreciate that my cavalier attitude to neatness might annoy some - i do have to argue that the polar opposite of freaking out when someone puts the lid of the pen on in the wrong place (most people just happy to have the lid safely on the pen) or to get agitated when a pencil is placed in the pencil case facing the wrong way (pencil points to the right, biro nibs to the left) is bordering on anal issues.

but pat, i hear you say, what has this got to do with petty hates?
good question, i reply.
and i know you are just shaking your head thinking he has no idea where he is going with this. well you'd be wrong.

as i have confessed to being a messy pup in private space i must also pat myself on the back and say that in public spaces i do my very best to make sure i don't leave a mess behind.

so you can imagine just how irksome it is to see people litter.
we have people come into the shop, buy something and rather than ask to put the waste into our rubbish bin (it is free: just ask, politely of course) they throw it in the street.
or there are the people who walk down the street and happily drop wrappers as they go.
or the i have finshed my drink/food so i will just leave the empty containers on a wall, fence, in the road, perched on top of other street furniture. because while it was easy to walk and eat & drink when they were full containers, when empty somew how they become super heavy and impossible to carry to the next bin.

then there are the throwers - they will chuck their rubbish at the bin. if it misses "oh well' better luck next time. because going to pick it up is just asking too much. the cousin of this is the person who puts stuff in the bins, and in doing so knocks something else of the bin. do they stop to pick up the fallen piece? do they fuck. a close companion of these people are the ones who can see that the bin is divided into general rubbish and recycle. now it could be they are so stupid they don't know anything about recycling. really they are just too lazy to think about what they are doing.
don't get me started on the tube users who put their copy of the evening standard or the metro on the floor, where it quickly becomes messy and unreadable. they could have just left it on the seat - but that is asking too much of them. or those people who use the mainline - who litter the the tables it is beneath (or beyond) them.

i could go on, but you get the gist.. i really dislike those people who do not think of their environment, expecting others to pick up after them.
if i had my way they would be doing hard time, or perhaps i would have them remove the offending hand in rather medeval ways. (you can see why there is way i could ever run for mayor of london).

all i can say to people is : c'mon clean your acts up...
(see even with pet hates i can chuck in a bit of comedy gold...)

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