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Monday, July 02, 2018


so what dear reader do you think my second petty hate will be?
well i am going to mention customers. however there is a problem with customers as there are  so many things about them that can annoy and irritate - all above and beyond the normal levels of sheer rudeness that some display.

i am not sure that customer behaviour can be used as a yardstick by which to measure the whole of humanity but it does remind me there are reasons why i am a misanthrope.

to start off i will go with a low level irk.
normally it is american tourists, always a small group.
they will come in, they will walk up the left hand side of the shop, stopping to look at everything.  they will continue their conversation, if there is more than two at least one of the others will be constantly texting on their phone. they will go to the back of the shop. you will hear a laugh or two, they will exclaim "isn't this lovely", "that's so cute", "so much great stuff".
then they will, with stately gait, walk down the right hand of the shop, looking at lots of other stuff.
their hands empty.
they will walk by the till and turn to me and say: "you have a lovely shop, so much great stuff. bye.' walk out never to be seen again.

as a humble till monkey i have had little to do with the look of the shop, so the compliments mean only one thing to me: we've spent a lot of time in the shop so we felt we had to say something as we are not going to be buying anything here at all.

as this happens in the evenings i am left with the thought that they have booked into a shit hotel and are trying their best to stretch the time away from the hotel as much as they can.
instead of being in the bar or watching tv in their room they are cluttering up the shop buying nothing and just getting in the way.

i should start giving them numbers at the door and after 10 minutes start shouting out their number and that their time is up: now get out of the shop.

not sure the boss would like it - but it would make me happy.

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