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Sunday, September 11, 2011


those of you who read this regularly (which won't include my pal dickie who loves to tell me how many unread posts from me he has on his rss feed) will know that i am a deep and philosophical thinker. that my ever utterance is balanced and considered.

i'd popped over to the daily mail website for a quick read of liz jones, ostensibly a columnist but i believe is someone creating an amazing parody. i got the usual ramblings, though her target john galliano was the central character in another sunday colunmnist's piece but this time over at the sunday telegraph - so maybe liz was on to something.
but that isn't the point of this.

what is the point of this?

well you might have noticed i am not a fan of jeremy clarkson.
you may well have noticed i am not overly keen on david cameron.
imagine how my dislike of them both soared when, thanks to the daily mail, i discovered that they are quite chummy with each other.
quite why i am surprised that they are pals is beyond me, but i am. now i have even more reason to dislike them both.
more than likely they each have a contact number for bono and a complete collection of u2 cds signed by him as well.
that would just be the icing on the hating cake.

see i told you i was measured.

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