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Friday, September 02, 2011


you remember when the world came to the edge of an economic abyss, skidding to a halt on the precipice of disaster. for awhile it was gordon brown's fault - that is how the murdoch news machine (and the daily mail) liked to cast the events. that nasty mr. brown spent all out money borrowed even more and we are in lots of debt. brown has caused the world economic crisis. he is a bad man.
as we know that wasn't strictly what had happened.
brown had borrowed a lot to make sure the banks remained afloat.
back then it was brown's fault.
it worked, labour were pushed out of power (not the expected drubbing from the public as was expected).
we got the "we're all in it together" brigade. it made me feel better knowing a millionaire was sharingmy pain - well pretending to.
it became alright to castigate the bankers.
that changed quickly to we need to reward them, we need to give them tax breaks. we need the best of the best. (these being the ones who caused the problems in the first place - i must have missed the memo where being really shit at your job meant you were the best).
the reason we have to care about them and for them is that they are the best and we need the best.

enough preamble.
then there is the british chambers of commerce.
they have cut their british growth forecast for the third time this year.
which goes to show that either their experts are not really all that good or that their use of forecasts has been proven to be flawed and so should be dropped as a tool. of course it won't be.

their solution to the problem of slow growth: the government needs to do more. this would be the same government that they are always complaining interferes too much with business. oh but now government is good because business is there with its cap in its hand saying "please sir more sir".
their other solution is (and you will be surprised by this radical bit of thinking) that planning should be made easier and simpler - or to put it another way: business gets what it wants the rest of us can live with the consequences.
now remember they are experts. they are the people we need to be giving big rewards to because they are the wealth makers and they come up with goverment help and fewer planning restrictions.


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