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Monday, May 09, 2011


the confederation of british industry says that britain's growth will be patchy and slow, but hey growth is growth. (they have revised their figures down from 1.8 to 1.7% growth, once again proving that economics is pretty much a guessing game.)
house prices have fallen.
centrica, owners of british gas, are warning that fuel prices will rise meaning they will be putting up the price of energy (again).
policy exchange, a right wing think tank, are on about the gap between public sector and private sector pay. they imply it is a bad thing that the public sector get paid more than the private sector - odd how they don't say that minimum wage is bad or that the money that ceo's pay themselves is too much for what they do. much easier to blame stuff on the public sector.

still it is not all bad.
it is not all doom and gloom.
there is a ray of sunshine out there for us all to latch onto.
according to the sunday times' rich list for 2011 it appears that for the richest in britain funds are booming and it is like they never had the recession (so they won't be too worried about the increase in the cost of gas). it just proves the old saw: money goes to money.
like i say this is a good thing.
according to the mantra of the camerons and osbornes of the world that the rich have become even rich is a benefit to the rest of us because as they spend money we all benefit. i is the trickle down effect. to be honest i am still waiting for my cut of the sale of hyde park 1 (the most expensive flat in london) though i am sure when it arrives it will be a life changer for me. also if the rich have gotten richer it probably means they are not actually spending money they are keeping it to themselves - sort of like the banks.
so don't worry about rising prices or squeezed wages - just thank your lucky stars that there are a few very rich people out there who might trickle some of their wealth to you.

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