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Saturday, May 07, 2011


it seems the more we know the more we worry.
it seems that the point of most health research is to throw a bit of a scare into people.
i know i do not have a healthly lifestyle, but at least i can justify it by claiming that i have an addictive personality (which isn't to say that when people get a hit of pat that they have o come back for more the next day, just that i am easily addicted to stuff, luckily for me i am not adventurous so i seem to be addicted to coffee, cola and chocolate... oh and pizza, doughnuts and cream cakes).
yet even if i had a healthy lifestyle reading about what causes this or that, or leads to one thing or another would be enough to make you wrap yourself in cotton wool and never leave the flat.
the question of a stroke never occurred to me and so never played part of those modern worries we all have. then i saw the result of some research (which is never quite as comprehensive as it should be before being quoted all over the place).
the ten greatest risk factors for a stroke are:

coffee - well i am truly screwed on this one.

vigorous exercise - phew saved here, although i had planned to go out running again, now maybe not.
nose blowing - this has to be  worry during winter, perhaps i should go back to cuffing the snot like i did when i was a kid.
sex - these days chance would be a fine thing - does wanking count?
straining to defecate - now this does worry me, there are few pleasures that are free that mach a good squeeze when you are on the bog.
drinking cola - luckily it is not as high a risk as drinking coffee as i seem to drink more cola.
being startled - just need to stop reading this sort of research.
being angry - can't see how i can stop being angry when cameron and his camerloons are in power.

just got to hope i never have a combination going on at the same time - like drinking a pot of coffee while i have a cold and watching gove and hague explain their latest policies on the tv when something bangs against a window.
no more reading the newspapers when i am having a shit either - who knows what might happen.

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