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Thursday, March 10, 2011


in my previous work life a large number of my fellow staff had ink or piercings (or both). many of us would study the various tattoo and body modification magazines and books we carried. we would gaze in wonder at some of the wonderful tattoos that adorned people's bodies (scoff at those that had a badly drawn mickey mouse head done), be a gog at some of the piercing pictures. from looking at such material the bottom line seemed to be that if it was skin it could be and would be inked and if there was a way to pierce it someone had already done it. those who loved ink quickly moved from one tattoo, to a sleeve to a full body job. those who loved piercing quickly went from ears and nose to everything pierced/

(as a bit of a digression here there were a number of people who went in for body suspension (using hooks into peircings to suspend the body, either as performance art or as a form of shamanistic meditation). my question about it has always been how do you go from having your nipples pierced with a ring to i think i will have a big hook in the flesh of my back to hold me up and do many people think they are ready for it only to go "oooow that hurts, no fucking way am i going through with it..." i wouldn't blame them as i nearly squealed like a piggy when i had my nipples done many years ago.)

there was little you could imagine that someone had either done or tried in order to modify their body. sometimes it would look wonderful and other times it would be very much a wtf! moment.

all of this jumped into my mind today when i read the short piece about penile spines.
it seems way back when men had small spines on their genitalia (like you find on cats, mice and chimps - not that i have looked mind you, i just read it). then at some point there is a change in the dna and ta da the spines go away.
c'mon lads we are all pleased about that - imagine the embarrassment of having to go the local a&e because you had hand caught on a few spines while you were having fun, bad enough when you have to go there to get them to free you from the hoover (again i have just read about it...)
though it does mean that we are left with being called a 'knob head' when 'spine head' could have been used.

that's life for you: swings and roundabouts.

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