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Thursday, January 26, 2006


gorgeous george galloway has finally been booted out of the house.
how do i know - no not through jay or emma texting me. but through radio 5 banging on about it.
now i haven't changed my opinion on the gorgeous one - he is still an oppurtunistic tosser who is only really interested in himself. but i did find the tone of the cricitism to be a bit odd.
sure point out that the man went in there for the wrong reasons (he was never going to get his anti-war, anti-blair message across - only the dumbest of people would have thought he could), he "abandoned" his constituents, missed an important debate about the crossrail developement (it has long term implications for my local area) and has not been aroud for the debate over the royal london hospital, or for the eid celebrations.
all in all pretty useless for those of us he represents.
these are all good reasons to loathe him.
i don't think you can have a go at him for doing what was required by the show.

having said that his media agent is truly an unctous woman. she also represents ally campbell, so no quality control there. she spent the whole of her time going on about what the future holds for george and that great things were going to happen in the next few months all because of his increased media profile. when asked if 3g would appear on the radio 5 programme that was banging on about him she did say "it's not going to happen...."
she was a tosser.
george galloway is a tosser.
and lets hope he decides to make a career in tv and quit politics.

1 comment:

ems said...

You make it sound like I watch the programme...