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Sunday, August 07, 2005


i may have mentioned in the past that i have a top tory totty (the ttt) list. this isn't about that.

it struck me the other day as i wandered along the whitechapel high street that i might live in one of the most ethnically diverse places in the country, hell maybe the world (i can do hyperbole).
it might be because this part of the east end is a traditional placed for immigrants to come, it might because there are several colleges and universities in the area, it might be because there are a couple of hospitals in the area, it might be because it is an area that allows people to travel to the central london or to canary wharf for their exciting jobs.
whatever the reason there are a lot of different nationalities living in the whitechapel area. and i love it.
there are so many pretty women from so many nations it is a letchers paradise... (sorry emma!) to be able to wait for the 25 bus in the morning and to see lovely ladies from east europe, africa, asia and the far east is just about all i need to perk me up and make me think that the day ahead is going to be a good one.

then i had an interesting thought (ok interesting is perhaps too strong a word for it). if no countries with a macdonalds in them have attacked each other (i think this is no longer true but you know what i mean...) perhaps many of the worlds problems could be solved if we just stood back a little and looked at all the very pretty people that other nations have.
(ok ok ok i know i am trying to justify the fact i am a very letcherous person here - but it's no more far fetched a concept than some of the stuff spouted by the respect party and people of that ilk...)

so perhaps we need to have a international big brother - but fill it with pretty people from all nations. i am not sure how you would go about voting people on and off, and what the consequences should be when they are voted off but...

i suppose part of this is in reaction to the feelings in the local area where the youth are in someways buying into the radical islamic ideals but at the same time spend a lot of time preening themselves to look attractive (and thats just the blokes).
perhaps i am stretching the imagination too far by saying that by showing that violence against one group of people might mean that they are going to leave, hide or disappear and their slice of beauty goes with them.....

fuck i have read too much david icke.
i need another coffee.
normal service will resume tomorrow.


ems said...

OK, so I now all about Friedman's Golden Arches theory - no 2 countries with a McDos have gone to war, not so much to do with crap fast food as to do with the economy. But I fail to see where leching comes into this. A rather feeble attempt at an excuse for your poor behaviour, Pat. And, as for BB - aaahhh! It's nearly over and that's the way I like it.

pat said...

how could you be so dismissive of my attempt to bring world peace?