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Sunday, April 29, 2018


just a few weeks ago there was a review of a book that discussed the concept of time. essentially it was saying that time was a made up thing and that it is not the same in different parts of the world, galaxy, universe, cosmos whatever.
well at least that is what i thought the reviewer was saying was the author's  argument.

now i can't say anything about the mathematical and scientific proofs that may have been used by the author to prove this argument because i have enough trouble doing percentages and this sort of thing is several levels above percentages.
however i would argue that we all know that time is relative.

how can that be you cry. easy i say. we have all had those days at work where no matter how many times we look at the clock - it has barely moved since the last time we looked. yet when it comes to finishing that last job before you go home then the hands of the clock whizz at blinding speed and you quickly discover you are working unpaid overtime. a job that should have only taken five 'regular' minutes has become an accelerated hour or two.

why am i mentioning such big brain concepts? two reasons really. last time i looked at the clock i had plenty of time todo my stuff and get to where i am going in plenty of time. except when i look now i am later than late. where did the time go? who knows? (well i guess doctor who does know- but i am not invoking him/her - it is just a phrase).

secondly to those who know me and remark on my propensity to be late; i would just like to point out that you are operating on the wrong time. you are all working to greenwich mean time. really you should all be on  pmt, or as it is commonly known as pat mean time, this is a highly flexible and useful system.

so next time you think i am late, just remember with pmt i am on time; you are early.

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