christmas decorations have gone up in part of the office. so far though none in mine, and long may it stay that way.
there are many reasons why this time of year does not fill me with cheer (actually most people who know me would say little fills me with cheer).
but now begins the long long days of having to listen awful christmas music (classical and pop), the struggle to be able to find the things i want in shops that are crammed to the gills with christmas suggestions (why does sainsburys have to have gifts when it can't even keep in stock the food it should be selling.....) , even more crowded streets in the west end, drunken revellers who have spent the last 30 minutes puking up the inside of their stomachs - having moved from pure liquid to only being able to pass stomach lining up. people wearing silly santa hats, people pretending to be friendly and cheery when really all they want to do is stab you in the eye with their umbrella. then there is the period where you can't do anything because everywhere closes down (yes yes i know it's a good thing that people aren't working, that they are at home with their families. the socialist in me respects that - the part of me that just wants to be out doing something doesn't. ok so i am a complex contradiction, so sue!) then there is the fact it won't be a white christmas, at the best it will be slushy, but i can guarantee that all the other people i know will have had snow.
then you have to listen to all the stories of how wonderful the christmas was, and how they are looking forward to the new year festivities.
you hope that the sales are going to be good, but you know they never are. oh yeah there will be one nice priced item amongst the dross. the rest of the stuff will be warmed over stuff from previous sales (yes i am talking about you mr HM(poxy sale)V).
ah you can see i am bursting with the joys of christmas.
bah humbug.
i am the grinch (who wishes he could steal christmas).
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